Oregon Library Association

Support Staff Division

Executive Committee Meeting

April 16, 2010, 11:00 – 2:00

Singer Room, Eugene Public Library





  1. Review agenda
  2. Approve minutes


Action Item Review

Susan G: -Let CE committee members know that Carrol will be the interim CE person


   -Contact WALE

    Enthusiastic response.  The conference is in Washington in October.

               -Check if OSU extension service has any speakers/ideas

    Gave Margaret this information.

               -Talk to Janet Webster (her boss) for good ideas about bylaws and fees


   -Postcard samples to give to Margaret.

    Initiative dropped due to time constraints.


Margaret: -Email us about business cards and postcards  

      Will send out samples

     -Take Susan B’s idea to next conference committee meeting and idea of motto

      No response from group.

                -Write a blog entry about the conference



Rea: -Ask other divisions how they are handling their fees  

         Money is stable


Jess: -Write first “light bulb” moment and talk to Sarah to post

         Kudos to Jess on a good post


Carrol: -Will get in contact with Diane

            Handed out samples of outreach ideas.  Contacted Diane. Kudos to Carrol for good ideas

           and format. 


All: -Consider what we should do with regard to bylaws stating that we have a $5 fee

       Shall we waive the fee in the bylaws?  We want to make a statement that we do not want to 

       price our membership out if OLA membership dues increase. Motion Susan B. Second

       Susan G.     All in Favor. Fees will be waived in the by-laws.

       -Think about attending the OLA banquet

         Awards dinner report:  An outstanding Coos Bay employee got the award. 



Officer Reports

  1. Chair – Susan
  1. Thought it best to introduce idea of waiving fines, renouncing money in favor of trying to keep our membership.
  2.  Surveys being held all over state to find out what people need to do their jobs and what people need for continuing education. 
  3. The editors of Oregon Library Quarterly have put out a call for guest editors.  Susan wants to encourage someone to take this up.  It is maybe a year out, so it wouldn’t be immediate.  Maybe have the focus of it be Certification or professional development in general or whatever that person decides.
  4. Past-Chair – Cathy Absent
    1. Kristynn is going to help with digitizing.  Margaret has been looking into different formats.  Want to use tried and true.  JPGs is a loss format. PDF gets out of date.  Maybe do both TIF and JPGs.  We will save on CDs.  Dream is to save to a place on a server.  You’d have to index it, link from website it is quite an undertaking, but can be done J
  1. Treasurer – Rea  Absent
  2. Archivist – Margaret


Committee Reports

  1. Continuing Education – Carrol
  1. Great ideas about how to get started.  Following model of the Support Staff certification ALA.
  2. Scholarship – Diane
    1. Phone calls from Waldport, a gal there is filling out scholarship form for us to decide on.
    2. Membership/Outreach – All
      1. Postcards  & business cards  ready for the conference.
      2. Conference –  Margaret  -
        1. One person getting together a good session.  Several committee members are unreachable. 
        2. Beginning to coordinate at the Conference center, you can go and taste food, figure out where tables will go.  Not focused enough to tell us what she needs from the Exec Board. Hoping the committee will be able to do it.
        3. DIGOR session for this coming conference. M. will ask Jey?
        4. Rea said our money is just stable
          1. Sarah is leaving at the end of her term.  Much thanks and appreciation to her for her great work.  We are sorry to see her go. 
          2. Put the word out that we are in need of a webmaster.   One way to promote it, building skills and put it on your resume, good for portfolio and our undying gratitude.  Good for resume outside library world also.  Get word out to members and to board members.  The person has to be an SSD member, or willing to join SSD. 
  1. Webmaster – Sarah

Old Business

  1. Certification (all)
    1. There is a call from ALA for people to evaluate portfolios.  For many folks it is a matter of the unknown.  They may want to see examples before diving in themselves.


  1. Business cards, post cards, magnets


Update under Margaret’s action items above.



New Business

  1. Other items to bring to the table – something that needs to be addressed.
  2. Dues again.  I think we need to revisit this. (done above)
  3. How can we encourage conference committee members / other members to get more involved or stay involved? Should we be doing more to recognize their service?
  4.  Goals / Vision – continuation and building on what Jey started (all)

            Ï  The next “Adventures in Libraryland” column Working on a few articles

            Ï  Diversity – can we do more?  Are there ways we can be more inclusive? 

What Cultural competencies for academic libraries obstacles are we failing to see? 

Topics for :

  1. Webpage, make sure it is accessibility compliant. 
  2. Webpage, Develop best practices keeping in mind that everyone in the world has access to it.  You can always do hypotheticals. 
  3. Action items.

-Kristynn forward the cultural competencies for academic libraries

-Margaret will send us the mock up of the post cards and business cards

-Susan G. ut out a call for CE committee members.  Donna Worely? Kate Schwab? In September they will put out a call for proposals for OLA so we need to make a proposal for a preconference and two sessions.  We might get co-sponsors for pre-conferences.  Sometimes someone will just give you their name as co-sponsor and you get the money. Rea can help with contracts for proposed speakers.  There is a form for that.  Negotiate and find folks. 

-Susan G. Posting to Libs-OR  & the SSD list serve that we still have scholarship money

-Susan G. needs a list of the software to help get a new web master.  We need to be able to edit webpage.  Blog is set up already.  Still like to see a lot of change to website.  Link to history of SSD?

-Susan will contact former members of the CE and put a call out for people to join.

-Forward correspondence from WALE person to Kristynn & Carrol

-Jey, up in the air about DIGOR session

-Call about when to meet in June

-Susan G. put out message about being guest editor of the Quarterly

-Ask board to write up a paragraph about what they got out of being on the Board

  1. Next meeting: date, time, location

June Newport