Chapter 31 - Honorary Life Membership Procedures



31.02 Any person who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of library service may be given honorary life membership. See By-law Number 2, Paragraph C -- Honorary Life Members -- 3.013 -- for procedure.


31.031 Honorary life membership may be conferred upon any Oregonian who is retired or near retirement and who has shown leadership in librarianship and made a notable contribution to library service in Oregon.

31.032 To be eligible for honorary membership, an individual shall have made a contribution of outstanding and lasting importance to Oregon libraries and have a record of active involvement in the Association. The honorary membership should not be conferred simply as a reward for longevity or passive committee or organizational activity. Honorary life membership recognizes an accumulation of years of service.

31.033 Normally, the individual should have made a contribution to librarianship in Oregon and it should have been of more than local or limited achievement. Under extraordinary circumstances, however, an honorary membership may be awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding national contribution in the interest of libraries and who is known as an Oregonian.

31.034 The honorary life membership should recognize an individual contribution rather than an individual representing the accomplishments of many.

31.035 Only living persons may be considered for honorary membership.

31.036 Honorary life memberships are not necessarily given each year, but more than one such honor may be awarded in any given year.

31.037 The HAS Chairperson will keep a cumulative list of honorary life members with the year in which the honor was awarded, which shall be published annually in the Oregon Library News following the annual meeting.

31.038 The recipient will be presented with a scroll proclaiming the honor. The HAS Committee will retain a sample copy of the scroll to be modified and copied as needed.


Last amended March 31, 2008