Strong School Library RubricOASL developed the Strong School Library Rubric to help decision makers, including district and school-level administrators, understand the components and value of a strong school library program. Each section of the rubric is linked to a corresponding section of supporting resources. OAR 581-022-2250 District Improvement Plans defines a strong school library program this way: “a planned effort to ensure the instruction of students, school staff, and the broader learning community in library skills, information literacy, and educational technology; such a program promotes a rich array of literacy experiences supporting life-long reading; facilitates collaboration in lesson planning and instruction; ensures equitable access to library resources and licensed school librarians; and develops and manages current, plentiful, and diverse library collections of print and electronic resources that support classroom curricula and student interests.” OASL agrees with that definition and summarized it: “A strong school library program provides a welcoming, resource-rich environment that supports multiple literacies, cultivates a culture of inquiry and reading engagement, and encourages the independent and ethical exploration, use, and creation of information and ideas.” Please direct questions about the rubric or the supporting resources to the OASL President-Elect. The School Library Consultant at the State Library of Oregon is also available to answer questions about school libraries.