SSD Vision Statement


"The Oregon Library Association's Support Staff Division (SSD) recognizes support staff's need for opportunities promoting awareness of library issues as well as practical application of knowledge and skill, both ethical and technological.  SSD will provide a forum in order to encourage new ideas, discuss concerns, and solve problems while envisioning and adapting to changes in the profession.  SSD's goal is to inspire and promote professional growth through networking, conferences, workshops, and mentoring."

     The Support Staff Division became an official roundtable of the Oregon Library Association (OLA) in January, 1992. Then in March of 1998, it became an official OLA Division. The SSD Chair is a voting member of the OLA Board, giving an important voice to library staff across Oregon. The division is a forum for support staff from all types of Oregon libraries to exchange ideas, problem solve, and to develop and encourage attendance at conferences and workshops applicable to library issues impacting the work environment of support staff.  What began as a small group of interested individuals at the first LSSRT (Library Support Staff Round Table) business meeting in April, 1992, has now blossomed into a division and a large membership.

     Achievements of SSD are sponsorship of pre-conferences and sessions at the full OLA Conference; PLA pre-conference and events (when in Oregon); an annual "Gateways" conference held in July most years; scholarships for continuing education (one of which is the Donetta Sheffold Grant, named after SSD's founder). 

     The turnout at SSD sponsored presentations and conferences has shown a real interest amongst support staff to expand their knowledge and the desire to network with others in the library profession. Through SSD, support staff have a mechanism to voice their views and impact not only their individual libraries but the Oregon Library Association. SSD and OLA need your support and participation.  SSD provides a wonderful opportunity for networking with fellow colleagues throughout the state.

     OLA/SSD membership entitles you to a subscription to the OLA Hotline and Quarterly, reduced registration fees to OLA and SSD conferences and workshops, the opportunity to serve on SSD special committees, and the opportunity to become part of a division primarily focused on support staff issues.


Updated 9/5/24 by Rinny Lakin